Saturday, May 07, 2016

Facebook COO: Let's Celebrate Single Moms

The Huffington Post has a piece from single mom and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg:

On Mother’s Day, we celebrate all moms. This year I am thinking especially of the many mothers across the country and the world who are raising children on their own.

People become single parents for many reasons: loss of a partner, breakdown of a relationship, by choice. One year and five days ago I joined them.
There's more:
The United States is the only developed economy in the world that does not provide paid maternity leave. Almost a third of working mothers don’t have access to any kind of paid leave to care for themselves or their families if someone gets sick. Instead of providing support, we all too often leave the families who are struggling the most to fend for themselves. The odds are stacked against single mothers in this country. Yet so many give everything they have and go on to raise incredible children.

We need to rethink our public and corporate workforce policies and broaden our understanding of what a family is and looks like. We need to build a world where families are embraced and supported and loved no matter how they fit together. We need to understand that it takes a community to raise children and that so many of our single mothers need and deserve a much more supportive community than we give them. We owe it to them and to their children to do better. We must do more as leaders, as coworkers, as neighbors, and as friends.
We are sure Facebook wants to saddle future competitors with costs Facebook didn't face when they started up. Thanks Sheryl Sandberg for hurting women's chances of getting hired by promoting policies that will hurt women! No word yet on when Sheryl Sandberg is going to write a column celebrating single dads. Expect more of this propaganda from Facebook (Democrat-Hillary Clinton) as the election season heats up.