Thursday, December 10, 2015

Illiberal Reformers: The Racist, Sexist, and Elitist Roots of Progressivism

The American Thinker on a book coming from Princeton University Press:
A Princeton University professor’s book could help frame an important political discussion as the 2016 election approaches.

Dr. Thomas C. Leonard’s Illiberal Reformers is due to be released by Princeton University Press next February. The galley proof has 192 pages of copy, and 40 pages of (728) footnotes. The author’s assertions are thoroughly documented; his syntax is clear and concise; his conclusions incisive and convincing.

True to what follows, the first sentence of his Prologue promises that “Illiberal Reformers tells the story of the progressive scholars and activists who led the Progressive Era crusade to dismantle laissez-faire, remaking American economic life with a newly created agent of reform, the administrative state.”

We highly recommend the book.