MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews reacted to Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)Perfect if you work at MSNBC, and are a de facto part of the Obama regime.
saying that President Obama lacks “class” by stating, “He’s been immaculate in the presidency. Nobody has accused him of any corruption” on Wednesday.
Matthews stated of Obama, “He’s done everything right. He worked hard in school. He got into the good schools. He got to be head of Harvard [Law] Review, in a blind test to get in, it had nothing to do with minority or affirmative action, none of that. He got all the way through, and instead of going and grubbing the money on Wall Street, he went out to people and helped his community. He’s ran statewide, faced the electorate the way we say you should do, risked citywide and then statewide. He’s done everything right.”
Matthews continued, “He’s been immaculate in the presidency. Nobody has accused him of any corruption.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Chris Matthews: Obama Has Had ‘Immaculate’ Presidency With No Corruption Allegations
Breitbart T.V. reports: