Rep. Richard Neal and Sen. Edward Markey, both Massachusetts Democrats, introduced identical bills Thursday that would permanently revive the Build America Bond program with lower subsidy rates and prevent issuers from being hurt by sequestration."The silent bail-out" destroying the last vestiges of federal in this country. Don't be surprised many Blue states try to fund their public pension plans in the future with this scam.
Under the bills - H.R. 2676, S. 1515: "Bolstering Our Nation's Deficient Structures Act of 2015" or "BONDS Act -- the subsidy rate for issuers would be 32% for BABs issued in calendar year 2015, lowered by 1% for bonds issued in each successive year, and remaining at 28% for BABs issued in 2019 and thereafter.
The legislation was introduced one day before Fitch Ratings released a paper concluding that financing options that compliment traditional tax-exempt bonds would be beneficial because they would broaden the U.S. infrastructure-investment base. These financing options include America Fast Forward Bonds, another type of direct-pay bond proposed by the Obama administration that would be similar to BABs and could also finance any projects eligible for tax-exempt private-activity bond financing.
The BAB program, originally authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, allowed state and local governments in 2009 and 2010 to issue taxable bonds and receive subsidy payments from the federal government equal to 35% of their interest costs.
From April 2009 through the end of 2010, more than $181 billion of BABs were issued. Massachusetts issued close to $5 billion of BABs, $3 billion of which benefited the Accelerated Bridge program, which repairs and rebuilds structurally deficient bridges in the commonwealth, according to a summary of the BONDS Act.
Monday, June 08, 2015
The Quiet Bailout of State and Local Government: Bills Would Reinstate BAB Program With Lower Subsidy Rates
The Bond Buyer reports: