CNN reports:
Republicans in Congress would shoulder the blame for a shutdown at the Department of Homeland Security if they are unable to enact a new spending bill to keep the agency running, according to a new CNN/ORC poll. The survey finds 53% of Americans would blame the Republicans in Congress if the department must shut down, while 30% would blame President Barack Obama. Another 13% say both deserve the blame.
If a spending bill is not passed by Feb. 28, the agency's funding will run out.
A majority says a shutdown at DHS, even if it's just for a few days, would be a crisis or a major problem. Republicans are less likely to see a shutdown as a big problem, 46% say so compared with 66% among Democrats. Among all adults, slightly fewer see a DHS shutdown as a problem or crisis than said so in November when asked about a possible shutdown of the whole government, 55% now vs. 59% in that poll.
As in November, this shutdown threat has more to do with immigration policy than with budgetary concerns.
But, a majority of people aren't for illegal immigration:
Obama's handling of illegal immigration, with 59% disapproving in the new poll, up from 53% in November.
Just a reminder.