Monday, October 18, 2010

Porn, short days, kickbacks in Chicago inspector general's report

The Chicago Sun-Times reports on Chicago's overpaid government workers:
A Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation foreman, who resigned after being caught spending several hours a day surfing the Internet and leering at porn sites.

City Health Department nurses and medical assistants, who were suspended or fired after being accused of improperly swiping in and out of work, shortening their work days or charging the city for commuting time.

An assistant city aviation commissioner, who was forced to resign after allegedly manipulating the awarding of a “large” contract to a company with whose executives he or she had golfed or vacationed with or solicited for campaign contributions.

City of Chicago Inspector General Joe Ferguson had a full plate again in the past few months, and those investigations — outlined in a report Monday — were among the reasons why.
When Chicago comes for a federal bailout: remember this article.