Monday, October 18, 2010

Do I Look Fat? Don't Ask. A Campaign to Ban 'Fat Talk'

Time reports on the denial movement:
Coming soon to a college campus near you: a ban on "fat talk." O.K., so the ban is voluntary — and temporary — but it's designed to get students to think about the psychological effect of even seemingly innocuous comments like "Omigosh, you look so good — have you lost weight?"

Starting Oct. 18, thousands of young adults on at least 35 campuses will participate in Fat Talk Free Week, a national campaign to eliminate language that is damaging to students' body image. The initiative's motto: "Friends don't let friends fat-talk." Participants learn, for example, that when a gal pal asks if those jeans make her butt look big, the best answer may be to persuade her not to ask the question at all.

You'll want to read the whole article to find out of banning scales in sororities.