Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Suit: Men claim Chicago Cops beat them at taco restaurant

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Two men with ties to the University of Chicago claim plainclothes city police officers beat them outside a North Side taco restaurant last month, according to a lawsuit.

Matthew Clark and Gregory Malandrucco alleged they were attacked Feb. 6 because one of them blocked the officers' path to the cash register or exit at Arturo's Tacos, 2001 N. Western.

In a lawsuit filed Monday, the two men also said that officers who responded to the scene left them in a parking lot without providing medical assistance, "despite their obvious need of it."

Clark, 37, a Chicagoan who works for a management consulting firm and has a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago; and Malandrucco, 32, who is pursuing his Ph.D. at the school, said the beating happened in the parking lot.
Chicago Democrats think you shouldn't own a handgun but want Chicago Police officers to have a monopoly on handgun ownership. Do you think that's a good idea in Barack Obama's hometown? Watch the video down below.

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