Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Steamed at Villaraigosa, L.A. City Council to review his electric rate hikes

The L.A. Times reports:
The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to review Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's proposed package of electric rate hikes, taking the mayor to task for suggesting that defeat of the plan would plunge the city into bankruptcy.

On a 15-0 vote, the council asserted jurisdiction over the Department of Water and Power board's decision to approve the first of four increases over the next year to help pay for renewable energy and other expenditures.

Several council members said they were disturbed by Villaraigosa's warning, sent to them in writing the night before the vote, that a rejection of the rate hikes would cause the DWP to renege on its plan to provide $73 million to the city's strained general fund, which pays for such basic services as public safety and parks.
Great moments in Democratic party governance.