The Detroit Free Press reports:
The campaign to recall members of the Legislature who supported last weekend's sales and income tax hikes may be expanded to target the one person most closely identified with the effort -- Gov. Jennifer Granholm.The big spenders ,in Michigan , don't seem to realize that being a high cost place puts you at a competitive disadvantage.
Recall organization leaders said Wednesday that the people contacting them to volunteer in the antitax recall effort are most upset with the governor.
Leon Drolet of the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance said that just this week, he has received messages from 1,000 people volunteering to collect signatures to recall Granholm. Drolet, whose group planned to first target up to five lawmakers who voted for the increases, said, "It's amazing how angry people are about the governor."
Granholm, at a Monday news conference hours after the $1.4 billion in tax increases were approved, praised lawmakers who voted for them and said she would come to their defense against recalls. On Wednesday, her spokeswoman Liz Boyd said she had nothing to add.