Saturday, November 04, 2006

Statist Boston Globe Columnist Says Republicans Can Only Win By Fraud

Social democratic columnist Bob Kuttner says:
Like Red Sox fans, we're also primed for the worst. Why is Karl Rove smiling? How much better is the Republican turnout machine? How many votes will they hide, deter, or steal? The season of the October Surprise is over, but what late-breaking stunts might yet emerge? And what else might John Kerry blurt out?
For a second there I thought Comrade Kuttner was talking about the Democratic Party in Cook County? Comrade Kuttner can't bring himself to call socialism,socialism.
Over in the Senate, we're likely to get some full-throated economic populists, like Vermont's Bernie Sanders
Kuttner's fellow co-worker at the American Prospect is another "populist" of the socialist sort,Harold Meyerson.