Saturday, August 26, 2006

Does the New York Times Treat Its' Employees Worse Than Wal-Mart?

Bill Sanderson reports:
Fed-up employees at The Boston Globe say their bosses at the New York Times Co. are even less welcome in Beantown than the Yankees.

That’s because managers at the Times Co., which owns the Globe, are coming across in contract talks as pay and health insurance cheapskates, the Boston paper’s main union charges in radio spots to start running today.

“Management wants to shift even more health care costs to workers,” say the ads – explaining that the company would do so by freezing its own contributions to the health plan.

On top of that, the union says the Times is proposing no pay increase for the next four years.
Just think if Wal-Mart had made enough contributions to "leftism" groups like the New York Times,maybe the unions would have been quiet.No word yet on Gail Collins writing an editorial on corporate compassion.The no pay raise for four years doesn't apply to Pinch Sulzberger!