Friday, March 17, 2006

A Coast City Bans Outdoor Smoking In Public Places

The New York Sun reports:
Anti-smoking activists are hailing a southern California city's near-complete ban on smoking in public places as the strictest in the nation and a model for communities eager to crack down further on tobacco.

Effective Friday, the city of Calabasas is making it a crime to light up in streets, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, and even the common areas of apartment complexes.

"We're elevating the rights of people to breathe clean, safe air," the city's mayor, Barry Groveman, told The New York Sun yesterday. "We don't really think it's that controversial," he said, while adding that the city's move has brought threats from across the country and inquiries from as far away as Australia.
The Nanny State advances.One question to ponder: if smoking is banned how will all those state and local governments make up the money?