The Chicago Sun-Times has an article about Chicago's downtown.They have a problem counting over at the Sun-Times.Look at the suck up to Mayor Daley:
Today, the optimism about downtown is epitomized by an artistic coup engineered by the current Mayor Daley. It's The Bean -- formally known as Cloud Gate, but anyone who has seen it knows why its nickname has stuck. Not quite done but set to be unveiled Sunday, its appeal is its seamless refraction, pulling together observer, buildings, sky.
But if things are so optimistic then why is "downtown" losing jobs:
The central business district -- basically the Loop -- is down toabout 187,000 private-sector jobs from 220,000 in 1991, according to a survey by the Illinois Employment Security Department. What job growth there's been has come in the expanded downtown, which, under the state's definition, reaches roughly to North Avenue, Halsted and Roosevelt. That outer business ring has 294,000 private-sector jobs now vs. 278,000 in 1991, the survey found.
A net loss of 17,000 private sector jobs is called optimistic.From July 2002 to July 2004 Chicago
lost more people than Detriot.More people than any city of the top 30 largest cities in America.Is the Chicago Sun-Times afraid that Mayor Daley will send in the building inspectors?