Friday, July 26, 2024

Newsom orders California state agencies to start clearing homeless encampments

The AP reports:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered state agencies Thursday to start removing homeless encampments on state land in his boldest action yet following a Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to enforce bans on sleeping outside in public spaces.

This executive order directs state agencies “to move urgently to address dangerous encampments while supporting and assisting the individuals living in them." It also provides guidance for cities and counties to do the same, which applies pressure on them, though they are not legally bound to the order.

California is home to roughly one-third of the nation’s population of homeless people, a problem that has dogged Newsom since he took office. There are thousands of tents and makeshift shelters across the state that line freeways, and fill parking lots and public parks.

Gavin Newsom shows his support for the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court..