Monday, July 29, 2024

A millennial who's been looking for a job for over 4 years says his degrees have offered little value: 'I can't get anything even at minimum wage'

The Business Insider reports:

Roland Hesmondhalgh started searching for a job in January 2020. He's still looking.
In 2019, Hesmondhalgh was a part-time photojournalist while working toward a bachelor's degree in multiplatform journalism at the Florida Institute of Technology. He thought it might lead to a full-time opportunity after he graduated, but then he was laid off, the Virginia-based 32-year-old told Business Insider via email.
Aside from the occasional freelance gigs doing photography or YouTube scriptwriting — which he said pay very little — he hasn't found work since.
It hasn't been for a lack of effort. Hesmondhalgh said he looks and applies for jobs every week, and earned a Master's degree in journalism from Georgetown last year. He's even expanded his job search to restaurant and retail jobs — e.g. "stocking shelves and flipping patties," he said.
Attention high school seniors : going to college can contain substantial financial risk. Act wisely before making such a decision.