Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Is Comrade Sheinbaum Really A Socialist?

The Dallas Morning News reports on Comrade Sheinbaum:

This is our neighbor to the south, continuing a descent to the hard left. This is our largest trading and economic partner electing to continue down a path toward socialism and communism.
Look at the world leaders congratulating Sheinbaum, before Mexico’s election commission even confirmed the results. First was Colombia’s vice president, part of the Petro administration, a president who mourned the death of Hugo Chávez. Then we saw a public statement from former Bolivian President Evo Morales, a leader in that country’s Movement for Socialism party. The congratulations continued coming in, a who’s who of Latin American socialist power brokers. There is no doubt about where Sheinbaum’s alliances will lie and where Mexico will stand on the world stage.

How many more people who voted for socialism will wind up in America over this?