Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Comrade Bowman Stills Wants The Democratic Socialists of America's Support

The New York Times reports on Comrade Bowman:
Bowman is right to be outspoken about the suffering being inflicted on Gaza. But recently, as he’s leaned into anti-Zionist rhetoric — calling Israel, for example, a “settler-colonial project” — I’ve sometimes wondered if he’s given up trying to win, setting himself up instead as a political martyr. After Oct. 7, he condemned the Democratic Socialists of America for promoting a rally in which some speakers glorified the attacks, and he made it known that he had let his membership in the group lapse. But as The New York Times reported, last month he sought the group’s endorsement and promised, in a private video meeting, to come out for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel. 

Comrade Bowman really is a socialist. Today's primary in New York will determine whether Comrade Bowman is not returning to Congress.