Monday, April 01, 2024

This Was A Historic Admissions Cycle—Here Are All Of The Ivy League Acceptance Rates

Forbes reports:
The wait is finally over—last night, students across the nation were notified of their acceptance or rejection from the Ivy League schools to which they applied. “Ivy Day,” as it is called, not only brings students much-anticipated admissions decisions, but also an overarching picture of admissions trends at the most elite and selective institutions of higher education in America. This year heralds a particularly consequential admissions season for top universities—it is the first since the Supreme Court’s landmark decision ending affirmative action. It also comes amidst heightened tensions on college campuses, as institutional responses to the war in the Middle East left many students questioning their Ivy League dreams. After years of plummeting admissions rates and ballooning applicant pools, some universities saw the tides turn this cycle. Harvard reported its highest acceptance rate in four years, accepting 3.59% of applicants, up from 3.41% last year. This follows the trend set during the 2023–24 early admissions cycle—their early acceptance rate rose to 8.74%, up from 7.56% in the 2022–23 early admissions cycle. The school also reported a 5.14% decrease in applications from last year, which may, in part, account for the buoyed acceptance rate. Brown noted a similar pattern: the institution’s acceptance rate rose to 5.16% overall, up from 5.09% for the Class of 2027, and saw a 5% decrease in applicants, which totaled 48,881. Despite the slight rise in admissions rates, this year marked the third lowest acceptance rate in Brown’s history. This trend of shrinking applicant pools will likely continue next year, as top schools such as Yale, Brown, and Dartmouth reinstate their standardized testing requirements.
Do you really want to go to an Ivy League school?