Tuesday, September 14, 2021

FBI takes down ENTIRE leadership of the Colombo crime family: Boss, underboss, and all capos are arrested along with nine other mobsters in health insurance fraud raids

The Daily Mail reports:
The reputed boss of the Colombo crime family and his top henchmen were among 13 alleged mobsters arrested in early-morning raids Tuesday in New York and New Jersey, federal officials said.
There's more:
'Today's charges describe a long-standing, ruthless pattern by the administration of the Colombo crime family, its captains, members and associates, of conspiring to exert control over the management of a labor union by threatening to inflict bodily harm on one of its senior officials and devising a scheme to divert and launder vendor contract funds from its health care benefit program,' Acting U.S. Attorney Jacquelyn M. Kasulis said of the high-profile arrests.
Unions and coercion ..