Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Paved the Way for Donald Trump’s America

The New York Times reports:
Ten years ago, after overcoming a monthslong protest movement and legal battle, a law called Act 10 took effect in Wisconsin. The nondescript name cloaked the most significant attack on labor rights since President Ronald Reagan broke the air traffic controllers union in 1981.
There's more:
Since the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, many historians and political observers — not to mention Democratic politicians — have grown increasingly concerned about the future of American democracy. Those fears have only intensified with the passage of new laws restricting voting rights in Georgia, Florida, Arizona and 14 other states. Yet the Democratic establishment has continued to minimize the importance of labor rights, failing to draw a connection between attacks on organized labor, exemplified by laws like Act 10, and the unraveling of democracy.
The haunting fears of the New York Times..