Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Former Chicago alderman aiding corruption probe made audio at at the 2016 Democratic National Convention on a number of colleagues

The Chicago Tribune reports (paywall):
With a sprawling political corruption investigation drawing ever closer to former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, the Tribune has learned that a Chicago alderman cooperating with the government secretly made audio and video recordings of the once-powerful politician on a variety of topics. Then-25th Ward Ald. Daniel Solis recorded Madigan on numerous occasions as the speaker allegedly sought business for his private law firm, two sources with knowledge of the probe said.
There's more:
In the ensuing months, Solis recorded Madigan talking with another developer about potential real estate deals, the sources said. He also wired up on a number of colleagues at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, which his sister, Patti Solis Doyle, had helped organize and where Madigan led the Illinois delegation, according to court records and sources.
We've been blogging about Chicago Alderman Danny Solis and this explosive FBI investigation for a while now. We suspected the FBI wasn't going to give Danny the day off from gathering evidence at the DNC National Convention in 2016. The top picture is at the 2016 convention and has "early retiree" Congressman Luis Gutierrez on the left, and Chicago Alderman Danny Solis on the right. The second picture is Danny Solis with President Barack Obama in 2018 ( no word yet on whether the FBI told Danny to take the day off in the picture). The third picure is happy Illinois Democrats in less stressful times: Danny Solis, "early retiree" Luis Gutierrez , Senator Dick Durbin, and "early retiree" Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Picture 4 is Danny and sister Patti Solis Doyle smiling at the 2016 convention. No word yet from CNN on why Patti Solis Doyle's name shows up in her brother's search warrant.