Thursday, August 20, 2020

“The longest wiretap in the United States that concluded in 2018” : Chicago's Longest Serving Alderman Makes Wiretap History

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
The mystery of corrupt ex-Ald. Danny Solis’ fate may have finally been answered by the man he tried to help the feds put behind bars: indicted Ald. Edward M. Burke.

In a court filing Thursday, Burke’s lawyers wrote that Solis struck what’s known as a deferred-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors on Jan. 3, 2019.
There's more:
The feds also monitored Burke’s cellphone from May 15, 2017, until Feb. 10, 2018, Burke’s lawyers say. They described it as “the longest wiretap in the United States that concluded in 2018,” and they said the feds wound up recording 9,101 calls between the City Hall and cellphone wiretaps.
Chicago's longest serving Alderman has the longest wiretap in U.S. history....