Tuesday, August 18, 2020

15 Democratic Illinois state legislators issue statement condemning “lawless” protesters, supporting CPD

Capitol Fax reports on the Democratic Illinois state legislators who aren't happy with rioting and have made a statement :
This Saturday, less than a week after hundreds of rioters looted portions of the city’s central business district, the women and men of the Chicago Police Department were subjected to a well organized and unprovoked attack while attempting to maintain order during a series of protests downtown. Video of the incident clearly showed dozens of individuals forming in groups and charging police lines shortly after they opened umbrellas to disguise their activity. Footage also showed a protester repeatedly beating an officer with a skateboard. At least 17 officers received medical attention for injuries.

Peaceful demonstrations are always welcome. In fact, they are beyond welcome, they are an important and justified part of our democratic process that allow Americans to express outrage over incidents of injustice, as was the case after the brutal and senseless murder of George Floyd.

However, violent demonstrations are never justified. Looting, theft, and criminal damage to property are never justified. And unprovoked attacks against police officers are not only unjustified and lawless, they are an attack on all Chicagoans and an insult to those who protest peacefully. We strongly condemn the actions of those who initiated organized attacks against the Chicago Police Department this weekend and we express our support and appreciation for the officers who risked their personal safety to protect our city and state.
Someone is looking at some internal poll numbers.