We'd like to thank everyone who's helped this website so far. You'll stop seeing these annoying messages Monday. All who have given we are very grateful for your commitment to this website. It takes time to keep you informed. We haven't run Google ads in years: as you can guess our content on this website wasn't popular with Google. We don't have big corporate advertisers . But, you can help by clicking on the yellow PayPal DONATE button down below and making a non-tax deductible contribution.
Sunday, July 05, 2020
We'd Like to Thank Everyone Who Has Helped This Website
We'd like to thank everyone who's helped this website so far. You'll stop seeing these annoying messages Monday. All who have given we are very grateful for your commitment to this website. It takes time to keep you informed. We haven't run Google ads in years: as you can guess our content on this website wasn't popular with Google. We don't have big corporate advertisers . But, you can help by clicking on the yellow PayPal DONATE button down below and making a non-tax deductible contribution.