Saturday, July 20, 2019

Eddie and The Mrs.... Can Illinois Have a Chief Justice Married to Someone Charged With RICO?

They are Illinois' power couple. Few have made more of a mockery of Anglo-American notions of justice. While Chicago Alderman Ed Burke has voted on and pushed many the city of Chicago ordinances , the Mrs. doesn't seem to think she has to always recuse herself from her position on the Illinois Supreme Court on husband Ed's voting record. When did Anne Burke first learn that she was married to someone running an alleged racketeering enterprise? What did Anne know and when did she know it ? How many phone calls does the FBI have Anne talking to Ed about other things than his golf score? We are just weeks away from Anne Burke being sworn in for three years as Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court. Can Anne Burke continue to play "babe in the woods" ? Is there a legal cloud hovering around Anne Burke?