Soros funded Niskanen Center has a new position paper out by VP Will Wilkinson. Elitist Wilkinson claims urbanization is the future of America and the world. It's as if Wilkinson has never heard of the massive public pension crisis facing big cities like population losing Chicago, homeless Los Angeles or homeless San Francisco or homeless Seattle. It's odd that Will Wilkinson sees cities as the futures of America given their massive problems. We aren't aware of any big city public school district with above average SAT scores. We aren't aware of any public school district with more than 15,000 students that has above average SAT scores. Here's Wilkinson's conclusion:
But this Republican Party, defined by seething hostility to theIf Will Wilkinson were so right we'd expect Cook County , Illinois to drive Illinois' 2020 census numbers higher and increased representation in the House of Representatives. We'd expect California to gain many House seats. We'd expect the state of New York to gain House seats. But, that's not going to happen in 2020 or 2030.
urban multicultural majority, is teetering on the brink of irrelevance. Continued urbanizing migration, both domestic and international, is likely to push it over, sooner or later, which helps explain the vehemence of the GOP’s current opposition to basic norms of fair democratic representation.