Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Ald. Edward Burke’s son was under investigation for misconduct allegations when Toni Preckwinkle's administration hired him

The Chicago Tribune reports:
Ald. Edward Burke's son was under internal investigation for allegedly making inappropriate sexual comments at the sheriff's office when Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle's administration hired him to a nearly $100,000 per year job, newly released records show.

Preckwinkle's human resources chief formally offered Edward Burke Jr. a job as training and exercise manager for the county's Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department in December 2014 after he spent several years working for Sheriff Tom Dart.

But documents released by Dart's office in response to a Tribune public records request shed new light on the circumstances preceding Burke's hire in Preckwinkle's administration. He left the sheriff's office while two investigations into his conduct were ongoing, and the allegations against him were serious enough that he faced likely firing if the accusations were sustained, Dart spokeswoman Cara Smith said.

One investigation began after a female sheriff's employee alleged that Burke was "consistently disrespectful of women," talked about sex acts and would leave the office by saying, "I'm leaving, going to watch the girls on Rush Street," records show.

Ed Burke Jr. 's mother must be so proud of her son given her background.