Thursday, November 29, 2018

Reliable Democrat Norman Ornstein Lays Out His Agenda For The Democrats in Congress

The American Enterprise Institute's reliable Democrat Norm Ornstein has an agenda for Democrats in Congress come January:
A reform agenda should include a new and improved Voting Rights Act along with actions to make voting easier, including universal voter registration and preregistration, moving Election Day to the weekend, blocking a “citizenship test” for federal elections that is designed to suppress votes, and requiring a paper trail for ballots. A bill to end partisan gerrymandering, and one to repeal the 1967 law that requires single-member House districts, to allow for states to experiment with multi-member districts, should be parts of it. Campaign finance reforms to encourage small donor contributions with matching funds, along with a renewed tough DISCLOSE Act, to oversee spending, round out a “democracy package.” A requirement that presidential candidates disclose their tax returns would also be in order.
Does Norm realize that only a constitutional amendment could force candidates to release tax returns?