Saturday, November 10, 2018

Protester Brags... I was at the protest outside Tucker Carlson’s house. Here’s what actually happened.

Think Progress reports:
Right-wing media have characterized Wednesday’s group of fewer than 15 activists shadowed by four legal observers as a violent mob. In reality, a small group knocked on Carlson’s door, shook a tambourine, and chanted slogans aimed at his chosen career hyping hateful speech aimed at racial minorities and political opponents, then left. As one of them broke off to spray paint his driveway, two others angrily reproached that person. Police opted not to arrest anyone in the group, choosing instead to scold them for their ill-mannered behavior and send them on their way.

The point of these direct actions, the activists behind them consistently say, is to deliver an emotional counterpunch to bad actors in U.S. politics whose work raises threat levels for marginalized communities. The point, in other words, is to unsettle and frighten — and I certainly would have been frightened had it been me in that house.
Got that?