Saturday, September 01, 2018

Meghan McCain’s Conduct Unbecoming

U.S. Defense Watch reports:
Was John McCain great? He endured torture and conducted himself well as a POW during the Vietnam War. But, does one period of time encapsulate a man’s entire life?

John McCain’s conduct both personally and in the US Senate post-Vietnam War, lacked a lot of greatness and some would say was often reprehensible, like that time he cheated on his wife and mother of his children, who was suffering from stage 4 brain cancer and then divorced her to marry barely legal Cindy Lou Hensley, the heiress to a beer fortune. Don’t see any greatness there. Just some avarice and a whole lot of cruelty.

To spite Trump, he flew across the country and cast the deciding vote that destroyed any chances for affordable health care for 22 million desperate Americans, by keeping the train wreck Obamacare afloat. That is not the action of a great man. That is the conduct of a man who is vindictive, and who doesn’t give a damn about the nation he claims to serve.

And, how about the millions of silent men and women who have served this country, quietly, honorably and who drained deep the chalice of courage? They were and are great, and they conducted and conduct themselves with more decency, humanity and social aplomb then Senator McCain ever did.
An article worth your time.