Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kavanaugh’s hearings are a national disaster — and the worst is yet to come

The New York Post reports:
While there is no moral or principled defense for the Dems’ conduct, the explanation is that they are terrified of Kavanaugh because he would be the fifth constitutional conservative on the court.

That would be a death knell to much of their party’s game plan because the left has used the courts for 60 years to get big-government policies imposed on the nation that they couldn’t get through legislation.

Anthony Kennedy, confirmed in 1988 after Bork was defeated, was often reviled by the left despite being the swing vote on important cases, such as finding a constitutional right to gay marriage. But now they would gladly take him back because if Kavanaugh joins Chief Justice John Roberts, Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch to form a consistently conservative majority, even liberal presidents and Congresses would be limited in their powers.

That scenario is why the attacks on Kavanaugh are so vicious, and why they won’t stop. Schumer, who pledged to fight the nomination “with everything I have,” aims to keep the court seat open and use it as a rallying cry to help retake the Senate in the midterms.
The struggle for government by judiciary.