Monday, August 20, 2018

Socialist Washington Post Writer: It’s time to reclaim ‘socialism’ from the dirty-word category

Comrade Elizabeth Bruenig uses her Washington Post column to promote socialism:
At the heart of the democratic socialist vision flowering on the American left is the recognition that more than policy tweaks will be needed to empower everyday people to participate meaningfully in society and democracy. Working Americans deserve a say in how the country’s vast wealth will be used, and that will be possible only when inequality is reduced, corporate and big-money donors are banished from politics, and lawmakers are truly accountable to the people. It’s not so much to ask. But democratic socialists are the only ones asking.
Comrade Bruenig works for the richest man in America to write this sort of socialist propaganda. Jeff Bezos could employ libertarians if he wanted to, but a highly regulated economy with socialists on his payroll helps prevent pesky upstarts ...