Friday, July 06, 2018

Despite police warning, Rahm Emanuel says let Pfleger’s marchers onto Dan Ryan

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Bucking the wishes of his own police department and the Illinois State Police, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Friday he supports allowing protesters — led by the Rev. Michael Pfleger — onto the Dan Ryan Expressway on Saturday for what’s expected to be a significant anti-violence march.

Emanuel said he believes the march will raise awareness of anti-violence efforts.

“They should be allowed, yes, because they’re going to be talking about anti-violence,” Emanuel said. “And I think there’s a proper way to raise that awareness. I don’t think there ever should have been a doubt about that effort.

“Think about this: They’re going to raise awareness that’s important if we’re going to also make progress in making sure that our streets are safe.”

Emanuel’s comments came even as top cops from the Chicago and the Illinois State Police have asked Pfleger not to march onto the Dan Ryan and insted to keep the march to neighborhoods.
Rahm has really lost his marbles allowing a radical preacher to stop traffic on a busy highway.............