Any good political scientist will tell you: in voting you can't always get what you want. Humans make mistakes in every endeavor of life. Except in 2012 in Chicago ? How could 37 precincts in Chicago have ALL OBAMA voters who DON'T make a single mistake in the voting booth? Unless you believe thousands of Obama supporters didn't make a single voting error!! WMAQ shows the impossibility .
Even leftist Salon reminds us of U.S. Attorney Dan Webb's work :
A Chicago Tribune investigation of massive fraud, published in January 1983, led Webb to announce that his investigators would “use a computer” (which was at the time an innovative crime-fighting technology) to determine how many dead people were registered to vote or registered in more than one location throughout the city’s 2,910 precincts. Overall, 10 percent of Chicago’s one million votes for governor, mayor, city council, and other public officials were alleged to be fraudulent. “The fraud we uncovered in these indictments is so great, the scheme so intense, that the exact number of votes stolen in the November elections is unknown,” Webb announced at a press conference revealing the arrest of ten officials on the city’s West Side.No word yet from the statist SSN which doesn't believe in voter fraud. Political scientists aren't big on studying the real world of government.