Sunday, February 25, 2018

Big Government Advocate Max Boot Attacks Many Conservatives

Noted warmonger Max Boot attacks many conservatives:
Principled conservativism continues to exist, primarily at small journals of opinion, but it is increasingly disconnected from the stuff that thrills the masses. I remember as a high school student in the 1980s attending a lecture at UCLA by William F. Buckley Jr. I was dazzled by his erudition, wit and oratorical skill. Today, young conservatives flock to the boorish and racist performance art of Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter. The Conservative Political Action Conference couldn’t find room for critics of Trump, save for the brave and booed Mona Charen, but it did showcase French fascist scion Marion MarĂ©chal-Le Pen.
Max's audience , at the Council on Foreign Relations , will be happy with this column.