Sunday, January 14, 2018

When Your Mom and Dad Hold Fundraisers For Barack Obama. The Legacy of MSNBC's Jonathan Alter.What It Means to Be A Democrat Party Operative With A Byline.

Muckety has a great chart on MSNBC analyst Jonathan Alter:
His mother, Joanne Alter, was an early advocate for women in politics, pushing then-Mayor Richard J. Daley to support more female candidates. She was the first woman elected to county-wide office, holding a seat on the Metropolitan Sanitary District board.

She also was a founder of Working in the Schools, a tutoring program for Chicago’s at-risk youth.

President Lyndon Johnson named her as a delegate to the United Nations conference on women in 1968. She ran unsuccessful campaigns for lieutenant governor in 1976 and Cook County clerk in 1990.

She and her husband, James Alter, were fundraisers for Barack Obama’s 2004 Senate campaign. Joanne Alter died at age 81 in 2008, five days after casting her vote for Obama.

Jonathan Alter’s sister Jamie and her husband, Michael Lynton, were fundraisers for Obama’s presidential run. Lynton is chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, and holds board seats at such influential organizations as the Rand Corporation and the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

As if those connections weren’t enough, Alter is married to Emily Lazar, a producer for the Colbert Report.
Just a reminder when you hear Jonathan talk about racism.... After all, his Mom had no problem associating with alleged segregationist Richard J. Daley. In recent years , Jonathan has spent much time getting the appropriate "story" out on Barack Obama(mom and dad's connections do help access).... Is virtuous Jonathan a guy who knows how to get a story "out" for the DNC or what ?