Thursday, December 21, 2017

Donald Trump Has Already Carved a Lasting Legacy . The tax reform bill crowns a year’s worth of policies that will be difficult, perhaps even impossible, to reverse.

The leftist New Republic reports:
While it would be comforting to Donald Trump’s opponents to focus on the fact that in the first year of his presidency, usually a period when a president is strongest, he got but one major bill through the Congress—albeit a sweeping tax bill that will affect virtually all Americans—he’s had a much greater impact on domestic policy than it might appear. For one thing, the Republican Congress slipped into the tax bill other major pieces of legislation that wouldn’t have won approval on their own. For another, through that tax bill and a relentless effort to undo regulations—if Barack Obama did it, it must be wrong is just one reason, while the other is that affected industries successfully lobbied the Trump administration for the roll-backs—Trump has not only made breathtaking changes in domestic policy, but is also wreaking significant damage that can’t be undone. In fact he’s done more in his first year to leave a lasting legacy than some two-term presidents. Trump is given to characteristic exaggeration in rating his legislative record—saying, even before the tax bill was passed, that he’d gotten more done in the Congress than any president since Franklin Roosevelt. This was laughable, but his impact on the domestic arrangements of our national life isn’t.

There's more:
people who live in blue states will also see a tax increase as a result of the bill’s capping (at $10,000) the deduction for state and local as well as property taxes. This new limitation on such deductions was a deliberate move, in the name of “tax reform,” by the red-state Republicans to hurt taxpayers who live in blue states—the relatively high-tax, more programmatic states on the West Coast and in the Northeast, which also have higher housing costs. It also might weaken the state and local workers union, an activist pro-Democratic group that Republicans particularly despise.
Taxing your enemies....