Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Is #MeToo coming for Louis C.K.?

Salon reports:
The still-mounting allegations of sexual violence against Harvey Weinstein has opened a hornet's nest in Hollywood. To a great extent, though, this is a much larger story than Weinstein, a tragically universal one about the ways a powerful men are protected and how vulnerable women are often taken advantage of and silenced.

The only possible upside here is that, as Weinstein's falls, so too do the traditional systematic protections for sexual predators seem less airtight. Certainly, more culprits are coming to light via the #MeToo hashtag.

But one person who has not surfaced in the #MeToo feed is comedian Louis C.K. Indeed, he may never, as it is not at completely clear that he's done anything wrong. Certainly, no one has ever gone on record to validate the long whispered rumors of sexual misconduct against him.
Stay tuned...