Director Victor Salva, who was convicted of child molestation, works regularly, having directed several films since news of his imprisonment surfaced. He has a new film, "Jeepers Creepers," due out in late August from MGM Films. "I had friends tell me they were shocked after I hired him," recalls Davis Entertainment Classics chief Todd Harris, who produced "Rites of Passage," a 1999 film Salva directed. "But Victor went to jail, paid his debt, and I felt he wasn't a danger to anybody. In fact, I've never worked with a more decent person. If artists weren't given a second chance in Hollywood, we'd have a lot of gifted people who could never work again."J. Todd Harris has such high morals. As long as you aren't a Republican : it appears you can in fact make it in Hollywood !
Friday, October 13, 2017
Giving Pedophiles A Second Chance. Director Victor Salva Has Friends in Hollywood.
Flashback 2001. The L.A. Times reports on convicted pedophile Victor Salva: