Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Blacks Students Exodus Out of Chicago Public Schools: More than one-third of the district’s African-American students — 83,000 black children — have left the school system since 2000. It’s the largest exodus from Chicago schools since white flight in the 1970s.

WBEZ reports on government schools:
CPS has been hemorrhaging students for years, and it expects enrollment will drop this year by another 8,000 students. Last year, CPS saw an enrollment loss of 11,000 students, the largest single-year drop in recent history. More than one-third of the district’s African-American students — 83,000 black children — have left the school system since 2000. It’s the largest exodus from Chicago schools since white flight in the 1970s. These major student declines mean cuts to individual school budgets, layoffs, and potential school closings. This year, CPS expects 306,000 students in the district-run public schools and another 58,000 in the city’s charter schools, which are privately run but publicly funded.
There's more : it appears the English language is going to get less time :
The school district is putting greater emphasis on bilingualism and biliteracy as the percentage of Latino students in CPS grows. Nearly 47 percent of CPS students identify as Latino, according to school records.

For decades, there has been only one dual-language immersion school — the vaunted Inter-American Magnet — where English-speaking kids learn Spanish alongside Spanish-speaking kids learning English. On Tuesday, CPS opens its second “two-way” dual-language immersion program, at Moos Elementary in gentrifying Humboldt Park, a community that has a mix of native Spanish speakers and native English speakers.

Four other schools that serve mostly Spanish-speaking students are also adopting dual-language programs, and CPS for the first time is planning to provide these programs at the high school level (they debut in fall 2018) — meaning subjects like algebra and physics could be taught in Spanish as well as English. The expansion brings to 20 the total number of CPS schools offering dual language, either as a program or schoolwide.
The Third World comes to Chicago. No word yet on when the teachers unions and other progressives will accuse the black students ,who left Chicago's government schools , for being racists for not wanting to experience academic excellence .