Thursday, July 20, 2017

Female Genital Mutilation Probe Widens to LA, Chicago, New York

Big Government reports:
The first-of-its-kind federal investigation of a female genital mutilation (FGM) conspiracy appears to have moved beyond the original upper-Midwestern focus to elsewhere in the country, court documents filed Tuesday reveal.

In a bid to get her client, former Detroit area emergency room doctor Jumana Nagarwala, out of pre-trial detention, defense attorney Shannon Smith filed a reply brief in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan Tuesday. Concluding, Smith confirmed that she expects new FGM arrests and indictments in Chicago and Los Angeles.

The alleged conspiracy to sexually mutilate young girls captured the country’s imagination in April, when Nargarwala was arrested on the first ever federal charges under a law banning the gruesome primarily-Muslim practice.
The Third World comes to America.