Saturday, May 27, 2017

Leftist Rolling Stone Magazine Says Men Can't Be Discriminated : You cannot be discriminated against in a world that is made for you.

Rolling Stone reports:
As for the frisson of male outrage – that's all too expected, not to mention the product of gluttonous entitlement. Just as reverse racism is structurally impossible, so too is reverse sexism: many – though not enough of us – understand that the world is organized so as to buttress the power of white heterosexual men. You cannot be discriminated against in a world that is made for you. And yet because the internal logic of white male supremacy is elliptical, these social bulwarks are built on sand. The men fear that they have no claim to power: they balk in the shadow of idealized heteromasculinity, grasping at its ever-ebbing figure, or they suspect – rightly – that their dominance is merely the product of historical repetition rather than moral righteousness.

After all, feminism and female empowerment are only acceptable according to men's terms. Wonder Woman's presence among the DC superheroes (like Superman, Batman and The Flash) is accepted because her strength is a fetish. So long as she is confined to sexual fantasies, men welcome the novelty of a woman who beats men at their game. She becomes less desirable when she resists a conventional male gaze, or when she becomes a model for other women to emulate. And she becomes a bonafide problem when she is rendered inaccessible, even for a night.
We do wonder if Rolling Stone understands civil rights laws in America today?