Sunday, May 07, 2017

'I refused to marry my cousin after the death of my baby brother and twin': The brave British-Pakistani woman who's tackling an ethnic taboo that costs the NHS millions

The Daily Mail reports:
up to 20 per cent of the children treated for congenital problems in cities such as Sheffield, Glasgow and Birmingham are of Pakistani descent, a figure significantly greater than the background populations, which can be four per cent or lower.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital alone has seen the number of Pakistani children treated for genetic disorders increase by as much as 43 per cent since 2011.

Officials admit it is impossible to calculate the cost of treating these problems, but there is no doubting the extraordinary scale of the expense, which even in 2004 was estimated at £2billion a year.

Today that figure will be substantially greater still, as hospitals diagnose an ever broader range of conditions and new treatments become available.
Are you ready for "multi-culturalism" ? Don't you be a science denier about the facts.