Monday, May 29, 2017

How to get a six-pack in six weeks

The New York Post reports:
If you’re looking to get a six-pack by July Fourth, you’ll need to start now. It takes six weeks with the right exercise — and food.

“The key to getting a shredded midsection is your diet,” says Adam Rosante, a Greenpoint-based trainer and wellness coach for celebrities such as Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts. “You can workout all you want but you cannot out-train a diet. It’s probably 70 or 80 percent of it.”

For women, each of your three meals should have a palm-sized amount of lean protein, such as chicken or salmon. The rest of your plate should be vegetables. A couple of snacks during the day are OK, as long as they’re also only protein and vegetables.

For men, the same rules apply but with two palm-sized portions of protein for every meal. Hydrate with a lot of water. And, he adds, lay off the carbs, sugar and booze.
An article well worth your time.