Tuesday, May 23, 2017

“Everyone is cheating” : San Diego Public Schools...

The San Diego Union Tribune reports:
The San Diego Unified School District reported a 91 percent high school graduation rate for 2016 — an impressive figure for any large district.

Yet it’s hard not to take that with a grain of salt, if only because California has a history of districts manipulating graduation data to make themselves look good. In 2005, the Harvard Civil Rights Project issued a stunning analysis of education statistics that concluded the state’s 2002 graduation rate was 71 percent — not the 87 percent that California claimed. Given this history, Voice of San Diego’s ongoing investigation into San Diego Unified’s graduation rate is a public service.

The latest story by Mario Koran showed how easy it was for students to cheat when taking the online courses that thousands use to make up for previous Fs. He went to East Village High School and watched students take online quizzes and use Google searches on other screens to find the answers. “Everyone is cheating,” one student told him.
Government schools today.