Monday, April 03, 2017

Is your Led Zeppelin record worth $1,000? Look for these gems of collectible vinyl

The Sacramento Bee reports:
So, you’ve come across some dusty old boxes of vinyl albums that were tucked away in the corner of the attic or basement. The first inclination might be to shout, “Eureka, I’ve hit collectible gold!”

Once the fanny pack of recorded music, outmoded at times by the rise of CDs, cassettes and digital music, vinyl records have reclaimed their must-have status over the past decade. Audiophiles, collectors and music fans who are looking for a more tactile experience than click-and-choose downloading have since cherry-picked the bins of used record stores to find vinyl albums that might’ve once been deemed throwaways.

According to research from Deloitte Global, vinyl records – combined with turntables and other accessories – are predicted to approach $1 billion in sales around the world, and likely reap its seventh consecutive year of double-digit growth.
A supply and demand story.