Sunday, March 12, 2017

The L.A. Times is Excited That The Democratic Socialists of America has tripled in size over the last year to claim more than 19,000 dues-paying members.

The L.A. Times reports:
Holding red and white signs, they protested outside Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s election party on Tuesday, demanding the city take a tougher stand against deportation.

The next day, they rallied in support of the International Women’s Day strike, demanding social and economic equality for women.

These weren’t liberals. They were card-carrying members of the Democratic Socialists of America, one of the fastest growing groups on the American left.

The surge of activism sweeping the U.S. since Donald Trump’s election has energized the nation’s largest socialist organization, which has tripled in size over the last year to claim more than 19,000 dues-paying members. That’s a record for the DSA, which was founded in 1982.
The enemies of the system of free enterprise continue to make news: