When are my people going to join me? If I travel outside the country, will I be allowed back? When will I see my children? Can I go outside safely?America's left sure doesn't mind violating the First Amendment by handing over money to Catholic Charities Immigration Services and Refugee Resettlement programs .
Workers at Catholic Charities Immigration Services and Refugee Resettlement programs reported receiving many questions in the wake of executive orders halting refugee resettlement and immigration from certain countries.
The answers?
“I tell them we are hopeful — hopeful that, at some point, it will be lifted and that their family can join them,” said Kaska Yawo, who works in the Immigration Services program at Catholic Charities Worcester County, in a recent interview. Yawo estimates he receives 30 inquiries per day about the executive orders. “And we continue to give them hope, and I am very certain that this will not stay like this forever.”
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Family separations worry refugee resettlement workers
The Boston Globe reports: