Sunday, January 15, 2017

Your boss is watching you: Companies fit staff with tracking devices to they can follow their movements night and day

The Daily Mail reports:
Employers across Britain and North America are fitting their staff with wearable tracker devices to monitor their fitness, productivity and stress levels 24 hours a day.

At least four companies - including a major bank and part of the NHS - are using 'sociometric badges' to measure the conditions of their staff.

The credit card-sized devices created by Humanyze include a microphone that analyses the tone, speed and volume, but not the content, of a person's voice, scan for proximity to others and measure physical activity and sleep patterns.

'It's looking at the amount of time you talk, who you talk to, your tone of voice, activity levels, dynamics like how often you interrupt,' Humanyze CEO Ben Waber told The Times of the devices, which are worn on lanyards around employees' necks.

Tracking you.